Senin, 18 Maret 2013

A process is a program that is being executed or the program being on the run or software that are being implemented, including the operating system organized into a number of sequential processes.While the program is a set of instructions written in a language understandable to the operating system. The process contains instructions and data. program counter and processor registers, and a stack containing data such as routine parameters, delivery address and local variables.
The operating system manages all processes on the system and allocate resources according to the processes of policy to meet the target system. One is a program that is being executed which is the smallest unit of work that an individual has the resources and resource-scheduled operating system. The operating system manages all processes on the system and allocate resources according to the processes of policy to meet the target system.
Things - things related to the process are:
1. MULTIPROGAMMING (multitasking)
Multiprogramming is the management of multiple processes on a single processor. Terms used multiprogramming (multitasking) is not multiprocessing. Mulitprocessing been used for other concepts, ie the computer with many processors on a single computer system with each processor to process independently. Today, most personal computers, workstations are single-processor system running the operating system multiprogramming (multitasking) such as MS-Windows 3.0, MS-Windows NT, OS / 2 and Macintosh System 7.
Many processes run concurrently, each process gets its own section of memory and control. Programs that are run are:

Not dependent (Independent)

Separate processes from each other and have no effect
One program at a time (one program at any instant)

At one time only one process that served processors, using interleave not overlap between programs
Because of the displacement of one process to be done quickly for the user as if working in parallel. This is known as parallel pseudo (pseudoparallelism).
2. MultiprocessingMultiprocessing is a lot of process management in multiprocessor computers (many processors in it). In other words, a computer with many processors on a single computer system with each processor to process independently. Previously the system was only found in large systems, mainframes and minicomputers. Today computers can be equipped multiprocessor workstations have. Using the computer as much as possible with multiple CPUs that can run multiple programs simultaneously, each using its own processor. The operating system that supports multiprocessing, namely: Microsoft Windows NT, UNIX, Linux.
4. Distributed Processing / COMPUTING
Distributed Processing is a lot of management processes executed on many computer systems are dispersed (distributed). Future trend is toward dispersed computing (distributed computing). Many research and development operating system spread among Amoeba, MACH, and so on.

5. ProcessingThe primary need of process control by the operating system can be expressed with reference to the process are:

Mutual resume (Interleave).
It said interleave (continued / continue) processing means executes the process at any time and quickly switch to other processes in turn. Operating System must interleave (each resume) the execution of processes in order to maximize the use of processors while still giving an adequate response time.

Following a certain wisdom.
Operating system must allocate resources to processes follow prescribed policy (eg, an application has a higher priority) while avoiding deadlock.

Supports inter-process communication and process creation.
Operating systems should support inter-process communication and user creation process by helping to structure the application. So in a system with many active processes, the processes at one time were in various stages of execution is the process of experiencing a variety of state during its life cycle before it ends and out of the system.
Operating systems need to know the state of each process and record all changes dynamically. This information is for the scheduling and deciding the allocation of resources.

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